Waddle Camino access control system

Waddle Camino access control system

Software development based on custom requirements.

Software development based on custom requirements.

Not sure what you want yet?

Not sure what you want yet?


Our goal is to provide you with a solution that is unique, just like your company and its operation.

Our products are available separately, but they show their true efficiency together, as part of the complete Waddle ecosystem.


Feel free to contact us with your software needs, regardless of your access requirements.

We also provide installation and operational services for (security) systems. We offer solutions!

Our solutions and products can be used with system design, electrical plans, detailed documents and other support. Our goal is to not tie our customers, so instead of closed software and protocols, we focus on being able to connect to previously built devices and systems, thus supporting our customers’ previous investment decisions as well.


Who have already chosen us and our systems

You don’t know exactly what you want? Please briefly describe what kind of access control, workplace organization, or other problem you want to solve, we will help.

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